Monday 1 August 2011

How helps biotin to promote hair growth


You heard the used of biotin, to healthy hair grow? Now, if you get not enough biotin in your diet, you could go bald. So exactly what is biotin, why it is good for your hair and how to do it?

What is biotin

This is actually a member of the vitamin B complex series. In particular, it is known as vitamin B-7.

Why is it good for your hair

This vitamin is been called sometimes the only vitamin that needed your hair. It is believed that this vitamin may prevent that can prevent premature graying of hair and baldness. It was found that biotin influential in help is the body uses proteins and is also important for the development of keratin, a protein important for hair and nails.

It was found that a lack of this vitamin you go bald in fact could cause. But in contrast to male or female hair loss where the hair follicle actually dies and re-growing hair, makes it difficult to re-grew people, their hair due to a lack of biotin, lost actually hair if given supplements of biotin.

It is known that biotin important for healthy hair, but their involvement in re-growing hair, was lost for reasons other than have a biotin deficiency not well researched. A study carried out in Europe, with a control group who took biotin, and another group that a placebo showed no difference between the two groups new hair growth took.

She also found has been called "uncombable hair syndrome," which is where can not the hair flat combed are, to heal a recently discovered hair-so. The hair in this state begins by the fact that thin and glaze over. Time goes on, is increasingly uncombable hair. But take cured additions of biotin finally this condition.

How can I get biotin

The human body very small quantities of this vitamin requires in order to keep the hair and nails healthy. Two excellence sources of this vitamin are liver and egg yolk. We get not enough egg yolks because we tend to eliminate due to the high levels of cholesterol in egg yolk from our diet. We tend to liver on the other hand, to eliminate, because it tastes bad.

But we can still have small amounts of such foods such as rice, soy, cereals and milk.


So the use of biotin can help you not, hairs, but it will keep your hair healthy and prevent from falling out.

Jimmy Chase got hair styling, when he was in the Navy. After the Navy he sat up in the profession of hair styling and examined, hair how people can have.

Jimmy Chase began, losing his hair when he turned 50. He has many studies on hair loss in men and women, to determine what works and what is not done. He was successfully completed his hair loss, and has some of his hair re-grown. He wants to help to know other people, what he has learned about dealing with loss of hair and re-growing hair.

He runs the website

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