Wednesday 3 August 2011

Why you should shave your head if you Kahl

Male pattern baldness is often treated as a curse. Once hair starts thinning and receding, many men are turning to a wide range of remedies and treatments, to find relief. Some men get even hair transplantation operations. While everyone is free to make their own decisions, I will argue that the best option for the treatment of hair loss is to accept it.

For many years, I fought with my thinning hair. I spent much time looking in the mirror, all the time measurements are the increasing visibility of my scalp. I tried medications such as propecia and herbal remedies such as saw palmetto. At the end of the day I suffered side-effects and saw the announced results. At a certain point, I just kind of to. I had my next his thinning hair, and I tried to cover it up as much as I could.

Then came the breaking point. I could no longer hide. I had to do something. I had before never shaved my head, but it seemed the only option I had that be, given the fact that I had already been on hair loss treatments. I went to the Barber, told him, I wanted a number one and my eyes closed.

First I was alarmed by the results. While I immediately set the view could not, I felt as if had lifted a tremendous weight off my shoulders. Previously, I was fearful and self-conscious. Well, I felt liberated. I took the plunge and the water was refreshing, after all. After a few weeks, I began to be more comfortable with look in the mirror. I grew some hair on the face and started shaving my head with electric Clippers I bought on the Internet.

I had demonstrated but the opposite true fear that I would suffer a lack self-confidence. I was more comfortable to make approaching women and new friends. It was as if my mind had realized that I had won something. I felt revitalized and confident as a completely new person.

Many others trace the shaved head look and is quickly becoming more and more accepted. Twenty to thirty years, you would be hard pressed, many people, the sporting shaved head to find. Many men turned hair pieces and the above mentioned treatment options. But now turn the tide.

It is always easier to shave your head. There are a number of products that are now specifically designed for this purpose. I use still electric clippers, but many people use razor. Companies such as HeadBlade provide a razor that specifically shave the head.

If you fight with hair loss, should hide him or treat trying unsuccessfully, accept it and play the cards you are dealt with, have. When all is said and done has, such as people for your personality, not your hair.

See more information about head shave Clippers on the website

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